News and Events
Workshop: Primer on Data Management
Sunday, 22 January 2012, 8:30–12:00 p.m.; Room 338/339
In this half-day workshop on Sunday January 22, 2012, everything the modern data-producing scientist needs to know about data management will be introduced. We will discuss the rationale for data management planning particularly in the context of NSF’s requirement for a 2-page data management plan to accompany every proposal; dealing with data during the course of your research; finding and working with a long term archive; as well as properly giving credit to other data producers.
This workshop is free and open to all AMS attendees, though registration is required. For those that would like to attend, be sure to add the event when registering for the Annual meeting . The event can be found under “Add additional items to your registration”. Please note that this course is limited to 100 attendees on a first-come, first served basis. Bringing your own fully charged laptop is strongly encouraged. Sponsored by NOAA and the Data Conservancy and conducted by the ESIP Federation. Unfortunately, the attendance cap has been met and registration for this event is now closed.
A similar workshop, Data Management 101 for the Earth Scientist, was held at December’s AGU meeting in San Fransisco. Moderators from that event were provided with constructive feedback from participants and that feedback was taken into consideration when planning this workshop. The most noted request was the need for more concrete examples, which will be provided.
For additional information, please contact Carol Meyer,
Data Conservancy Seeking Website Feedback
In the next few weeks, the Data Conservancy will have a new look and feel, including a new website. Before these changes occur, we want to hear from our social media followers. Is there something missing from our current site that you would like to see on the new one? What content, features, etc. would you like to see? Tell us what you think via our Facebook and/or Twitter feeds. We can’t wait to hear from you!
Data Management 101 for the Earth Scientist – 2011 AGU Conference Workshop
Don’t let science leave you behind. The proliferation of data from all sources requires today’s scientists to be aware of sound data management practices. In this free half-day workshop, everything the modern data-producing scientist needs to know about data management will be introduced. We will discuss the rationale for data management planning and the context of NSF’s requirement for a 2 page data management plan to accompany every proposal; dealing with data during the course of your research; creating metadata for discovery, access, use and archiving, finding and working with a long term archive; as well as properly giving credit to other data producers. This workshop is open to all AGU attendees. There will be time for discussion of your data-related questions. Feel free to bring samples of the data in question to the workshop. Laptops are encouraged.
Sponsored by NOAA and the Data Conservancy, and conducted by the ESIP Federation.
Tuesday, December 6 from 1:00-5:00 pm in the San Francisco Marriott Marquis, Salons 10-12. Point of contact: Carol Meyer (
Data Conservancy Reserchers Present at 2011 Nansen Conerence
Paty Romero-Lankao and Hua Qin gave an invited presentation at the Nansen Conference on Climate Change and Displacement in the 21st Century, held in Oslo, Norway, June 5 – 7. Their presentation focused on their study of climate change and migration in Mexico.
The Sheridan Libraries Announce the Launch of JHU Data Management Services
The Sheridan Libraries at Johns Hopkins University – building upon the work of the Data Conservancy – are pleased to announce the launch of JHU Data Management Services.
The Dry Valleys of Antarctica: Data for Big Science
July 15, 2011 – Recently, Jane Beitler of the NSIDC interviewed Johns Hopkins University petrologist Bruce Marsh and data scientist Keith Kaneda to discuss how Marsh’s research in Antarctica’s Dry Valley region is helping the Data Conservancy’s effort to preserve scientific data and render it reusable for scientists of all disciplines.
Johns Hopkins University Seeks Three Professionals with Data Management Experience for New Data Management Service
The Sheridan Libraries at Johns Hopkins University (JHU), the lead institution for Data Conservancy, are hiring two data management planning consultants and a data management planning service manager as part of a new service to be launched July 1. This data management planning service will use Data Conservancy technology and offer both pre-award consultation and post-award data management for JHU PIs of NSF grants. JHU PIs can use this service to develop their two-page data management plans according to NSF guidelines and specific curation capabilities available through this service. For successful proposals, JHU PIs will be able to deposit their data into a preservation ready infrastructure based on technology developed through the first 18 months of prototyping through the Data Conservancy. Through this infrastructure, JHU PIs will be able to share their data, search and query the data and, when appropriate, provide long-term access through the preservation framework.
The first two consulting positions have a start date of July 1. The service manager is scheduled to begin October 1. In October, we will also hire a junior software developer and system administrator to support the technical aspects of this service. All of these positions will be JHU employees but will work closely with the Data Conservancy team. We will make public in early July a set of web pages that describe this new service.
The job descriptions for the data management planning consultants are available at:
The job description for the manager of data management planning services is available at:
While this service has been launched with JHU administration financial support and is intended for JHU PIs, we believe it represents a model for other institutions to consider or an option for outsourced service offerings related to data management planning and implementation.
Successful AGU workshop on data management plans leads to ESIP Federation assignment for Ruth Duerr
Based on the success of the “Writing Your Data Management Plan” workshop held at AGU in December 2010, the ESIP Federation has asked Ruth Duerr to spearhead an effort to develop a customizable data management training package. As currently envisioned, the package will be highly modular with content specifically aimed at the science community, as well as future data managers and data scientists. Drawing on expertise from the ESIP Federation’s diverse membership, the NOAA-funded project aims to communicate core concepts and best practices from the Earth science community allowing for customization based on domain specific needs.
McMurdo Dry Valleys Glacier Photos Special Collection Successfully Integrated into Data Conservancy
Data Conservancy is honored to announce that NSIDC’s latest integration to its Glacier Photo Collection is now available and is being sustained on the Data Conservancy system. The live pilot has been an exercise in operationalizing the Data Conservancy. It demonstrates the search and access APIs and helped to examine the issues surrounding metadata curation.
The McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica special collection can be viewed at Click on the Search & Order link and search for glaciers from Antarctica. Currently, the entire NSIDC glacier photo collection contains over 13,000 geo-spatially referenced photos with approximately 12,000 users in 73 countries.
February 14, 2011 – The Coalition for Networked Information (CNI), the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), and EDUCAUSE are pleased to announce that Christine L. Borgman, Professor and Presidential Chair in Information Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), has been named the 2011 recipient of the Paul Evan Peters Award. The award recognizes notable, lasting achievements in the creation and innovative use of information resources and services that advance scholarship and intellectual productivity through communication networks.
January 28, 2011 by Marc Parry – Last week, a significant change went into effect at the National Science Foundation: The agency will now require researchers to submit data-management plans with their grant proposals.
IDCC10 – Video interview with Laura Wynholds, UCLA graduate student
IDCC10 – Video interview with Christine Borgman, Presidential Chair & Professor of Information Studies at UCLA
Rethinking Scientific Data Management – iSGTW
October 27, 2010 by Miriam Boon – Despite all the good that science has wrought over the years, the way we manage scientific data is fundamentally flawed.
Sheridan Libraries Awarded $20 Million Grant – Johns Hopkins University
October 2, 2009 – The Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries have been awarded $20 million from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to build a data research infrastructure for the management of the ever-increasing amounts of digital information created for teaching and research.